I'm ssooooo sorry i've been negligent to my loyal readers but my 9-5 has been kicking my @$$! Anyhoo, I'm back with some crazy ish!!!! Check out these racist rants by Adrienne Curry, America's Next Top Model winner, via her Myspace blog. So sad she thinks that black people need to "get over" slavery. This chick really needs a history lesson...
From Adrienne's Myspace blog post:
This is gonna be hard guys. I LOVE the comedians on BET. I also LOVE the
fact that they play my favorite show of all time, In Living Color. However, I do
not believe in seperating [sic] ANY RACE in America. WE ARE AMERICANS! How dare we have Black History Month! In my eyes, the Native Americans deserve it MUCH more, seeing how we destroyed their ENTIRE SOCIETY. There are hardly any of them left! They also have been proven to have the WORST living conditions on their reservations. I want AN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. One where we learn about EVERY race, ALL OF OUR LEADERS, EVERYONE! I think by having a month dedicated to one race, and not one for any other, is RACIST. Every fund set up to only help people of one race is SICK and RACIST.Yes, I get it. Black people were slaves here once. You know what? That does suck some major b*lls, however, it is time to move the f*ck on. Do we hear the Jews crying that they were made slaves for thousands of years? Do we hear them whine that they should OWN the pyramids in Egypt because THEY broke their backs making them? Do we hear them bitch and moan about Hitler, etc? (my hubby is a Jew) Nope, we dont. It's time for us to UNITE AS ONE. I do not think that singling out one race, giving one race opportunities to go to college (I know a TON of poor white.asian, indian, american indian, etc etc that could use that too!), giving one race the EXCUSE to blame things on others for being whatever nationality they are, is a good way at making sure we NEVER kill racism.I am over this shit. WE ALL CAME FROM ONE BLACK WOMAN FROM AFRICA, THAT is our EVE! It has been proven by science, and I stand by it. If any other race had a chanel [sic] dedicated to just them, we would think it was racist. If any other race demanded a month be set aside for ONLY them, they would be considered racist. I am NOT living by this double standard any longer.Think I am racist? I am not. I know what racism is. I dated a guy named "Justin" in Junior high. Nothing serious, but I really liked him. He was the blackest of black. ...BEAUTIFUL skin, kinda like Alex Wek's. He was handsome, and athletic, etc. I was called a [N Word] lover. But you know what? I was called that by a whole 2 people out of a school with HUNDREDS of students. THAT is why I am NOT buying this racist shit anymore. Let us teach or children that there is NO DIFFERENCE! We are all human. I hope one day aliens land and try to kill us. Maybe THEN we would finally realize that WE are ONE.So, I will no
longer tune into BET. This is going to suck, but I do NOT like the idea of
having a chanel for only 1 race. In the year 2007 in a country that is supposed
to be the most advanced and equal. This is unexceptable! [sic] I will also no
longer acknowledge Black History Month. Instead, I will see it the way that
Morgan Freeman does (I have the quote at the bottom of my last blog on
Obama/jesseJackson, and OJ). AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH! I will read/watch/and learn about ALL the people who made a difference in this country. I am asking you ALL to join me. Black, White, Indian, Asian, Russian, Australian, etc etc.....lets be AMERICANS together! What happened to the African American community was AMERICAN HISTORY, not BLACK HISTORY. If you want to celebrate in a way that excludes others and singles one race out, count me the FUCK out! I am soooo proud to be an American. I am SO proud that I have friends of every race, and none of us see each other as anything but what we are..people. Lets change Black History Month to 2 months of AMERICAN HISTORY. We will still learn about all the black leaders and people who made a difference....just not with the racist name of "Black History Month". It has to start somewhere. I am going to do my part in making sure we are all treated EQUAL in a country that CLAIMS we are. NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR ANYONE WITH ANYTHING! It will never happen. At least, that is what many of you will say...FINE! My number one priority here is being able to die and know that I stood up for what I believed in, and that I did not add to the SEPERATION OF AMERICANS!! I love my country, I love the people in it. I love our history, good and bad. We should LEARN from it,not dwell in it and not move forward. That's why I am done with this shit. You are all my brothers and sisters.....even if I think you suck ; ) As Bono said, "One life, with each
other..sisters...brothers!"now, have fun burning me at the stake ; )
I'm just mad she went there with the I-dated-a-black-guy-so-I-know-I'm-not-a-racist nonsense. She needs to be kicked down a flight of stairs...
Sadly, I honestly don't think that she is racist by her comments. She's just misinformed, and ignorant of racism in the United States. I'm a student at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH), and I'm an ethnic studies minor. At any rate, I CHALLENGE you to purchase the book "Race, Class, and Gender in the United States" by Paula S. Rothenberg, and read the article "Color-Blind Racism" p.131. I URGE YOU. YOU MIGHT CHANGE SOME OF YOUR VIEWS. EDUCATE YOURSELF.
I can understand her thinking, but to come out and say these things are a different story all together. Honestly, if blacks want to celebrate their heritage go ahead, you dont need a set month to do it. For instance if there was a White History Month, what would that do to society? Segregate it? Probably even more so than it already is. I agree with Angela though that she as well as alot of people, including myself are not completely educated on the subject. But from first glance at the topic i see how people can think, BET? why isnt there a WET?
There are many more "WET's", but they're just not called that. Why do you think BET came about in the 1st place??? There is only 1 Bet, and in addition BET is not a racial entertainment forum. BET is cultural! Caucasians, Latin-Americans, et cetera, all participate in the BET culture. I do however think BET should take lessons from the many WET's out there and get a name makeover.
I do not think there is anything wrong with what she said. It's her opinion. I guarantee there are worse things said about white people by black people and NOTHING is said about it. I'm so sick of society picking and choosing what is "racist."
It is one thing to have an opinion but it is another to be ignorant about the subject that you are having an opinion about! It is so easy for you to discount the fact that most of the Black History taught in schools is about slaves! And who had the slaves? white people! We would never learn about the accomplished Black people if it weren't for BLACK HISTORY MONTH! and how dare you say that there shouldn't be BET. There are MANY white channels, they just aren't called white channels! You are so young and ignorant! We will pray for you!
i agree with her
I agree with her. Except for the BET thing.....that was weird....
i completely agree with her i dont think she is racist at all i think she is completely right to have her own opinion and i think that all americans should unite together and celebrate your history together not in seperate groups where is the equality in that? andd i understand what u was sayin about the i dated a black guy thing because you cant help who u r attracted to u could still be racist doesn't just go against one race it can be against any. Go Adrianne for being brave enough to say something so many people who have been to afraid to say!!
There is a great difference between doing the right thing and doing what is right.With regards to this issue,lets replace the word "doing" with saying...Poor lady,probably not a racist,probably not well informed,just like some of our black brothers and sisters (who dont even appreciate the color of their skin).I am 80% in agreement with her opinion.She blundered by bringing in the Jew thing,condemning BET and her black ex-boyfriend (afterall,many white racist fathered thousands of black children and had many black mistresses during and after the slave era).I understand where she is coming from and also know where she is heading.I believe she let her strong conviction on racism to momentarily override her intelligence,when she made this statement.Making her very misunderstood...Bottomline,its about time the blacks move on to greater heights and dont be distracted by racism.It will exist till the end of time.Celebrate your blackness any which way you can.Excelling in whatever you do is the greatest pain you can cause your adversary...I am a very black and proud African in Nigeria.
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