Wednesday, August 22, 2007


As being "Greek" myself, and when I say "Greek" I mean belonging to a sorority or fraternity, I found this very interesting while reading up on one of my fave blogs. Amy Winehouse wearing a t-shirt with the 4 historically Black Sororities. My thought was, "hey, she gets the importance of these organizations for the Black community." It's clear to all of us Sisters, whether Sigma Gamma Rho, AKA, DST or ZPhiB, that Amy Winehouse is not a member of our orgs and just because she's rockin the shirt doesn't mean that she is. It's not like she's showing up at our Nationals rocking it. For me it's a sign of respect from the world reknown Brit singer. The t-shirt does say "Moments of Greatness." It's about time white America started recognizing some important pieces of our culture dating back to 1906. It's irrelevant that she's now in rehab! lol
What do u think?


Anonymous said...

I doubt she have any clue to what she's wearing. I have to blame her stylist on this choice. "Greeks" should definitely send this around to their respective orgs and NPHC should take an issue with this.

Anonymous said...

Her drunken druggie butt probably doesn't even know the difference. Not pleasing to my eyes at all...

Anonymous said...

Its not that serious, if anything she has respect for what she is wearing because of the title on the shirt.

Anonymous said...

If she had respect she'd atleast have on pants! I am very offended by this picture. This is not an example of Blacks Greeks finally getting there props, rather this is another example of Black Culture being appropriated!

Anonymous said...

I have a huge problem with someone wearing my letters. She didn't work for those letters the way i did and I could care less if she has more that one organization on her shirt, that just means she is disrespecting more then one org. We should all have a problem with this because she is perpetrating. If we let her slide others are going to think they could do the same and probably do it worst. eventually people are going to think wearing Greek letters is a fashion thing and that it is not. It has to be corrected.

Anonymous said...

Can you fault a crack head!